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Spinal decompression is highly beneficial for those who have lasting back pain. Back pain can be extremely disruptive to your life, but relief doesn’t have to be far away. If you are looking for a chiropractor for spinal decompression, visit us here at Orlando Injury Medicine to see if you are a good candidate for this effective, lasting treatment.


Why Might Someone Need Spinal Decompression?

It doesn't take a major injury to wreak havoc on your spinal anatomy and nerve function. A spinal misalignment or postural problem can add stress to your vertebral discs and joints until they begin to shift out of position, pressing against nerve roots in the process. Natural degenerative changes, such as bulging discs, can cause nerve impingement while also producing inflammation and pain in the vertebral facet joints. These painful problems can cause muscles to tighten up and go into spasm. These types of injuries can be aided by nonsurgical spinal decompression performed by a chiropractor.

Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression

Nonsurgical decompression helps to relieve back pain. The spine is gently stretched during this procedure, which forces the spine to change position. As a result, pressure is taken off the spinal discs and nerves in your spine. This can help to bring oxygen and water to the discs so they are allowed to heal. Your spinal decompression will take 15 minutes. Depending on your condition, you may need multiple treatments. 

Who Can Have Spinal Decompression?

Anyone dealing with back pain relating to bulging, or herniated disc can be great candidates to spinal decompression treatment. After a complete medical history, and examination, Dr. Robitaille will be able to determine if spinal compression treatment is the best course for you.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today at Orlando Injury Medicine to schedule an appointment with Dr. Robitaille if you are interested in learning more about spinal decompression. You can also visit our website for a full list of services that we offer here at our practice. 

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Orlando Injury Medicine

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